Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why I Hate Tuesdays

I want to write a blog based on Mitch Albom's, Tuesdays With Morrie. (I'm sure I'd need some kind of permission to do so) But I could never call it "Tuesdays With Jess" because I hate Tuesdays. I'd need another day of the week. For the traditional workweek-scheduled employees out there, Saturday and Sunday are just in another category all their own. So I'm going to focus on Monday-Friday with Tuesday being the worst of them all.

Monday I can deal with. Monday's suck, there's no doubt about it. But I can get through them. It is what it is. As you drop your keys, forget your coffee on the counter or fail to make it across the train tracks before the gates lower, you can blame it all on Monday. It doesn't try and disguise itself and it makes no excuses. You are aware of its depressing aspects, there's no mystery and you simply suck it up and face the week ahead. Actually, it does you a favor. You can totally use it as an excuse for just about anything, "Must be a Monday!"

From the time I wake up in the morning on Wednesday, I consider the week to be half over, even if its not technically half over until noon-ish. You made it this far, you can certainly get through the rest! You made it up the mountain; the rest should be a breeze!

Thursdays...well, they're the new Friday. I like to call Thursdays, "pseudo-Fridays". It's the eve of the weekend. In anticipation of Friday, you can certainly handle just one more day after Thursday!

Then we come to Friday. In a nutshell, Fridays are fairly wonderful. Even with the whole day of work ahead of you, it's kinda like you might as well just be done already. Friday, schmi-day. The anticipation of the weekend and your time off definitely motivates you to get through the day with a smile. Think of how well you made it through the week! Congratulations, Friday is a breeze!

And then there's Tuesday. Pitiless, pathetic, terrible Tuesday. When you think about it, there's really no point to Tuesday at all. It's pointless, useless. You can't psych yourself up for anything when it comes to Tuesday. You're not half way to anything. It serves absolutely no purpose in the work week, really just serving as a reminder that it might as well still be Monday. So alas, this is why I hate Tuesdays!

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